Land, Lots, Farm/Horse Properties & Homes
in Davidsonville, Crofton, Harwood & Lothian Areas.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
801 W. Central Ave • Davidsonville, MD 21035 • (410) 798-6067

About Us
Davidsonville Land and Properties, Inc is your locally owned and operated real estate solution for land and residential properties. We pride ourself on going above and beyond the typical services offered by most other real estate agents.
Timothy D. Murnane, P.C., Broker
Rob Etkins, Real Estate Agent, CDPE - (240) 593-4483 • retki@mris.com
Sharon Schilling, Real Estate Agent - (410) 903-2410 • schillingsk@verizon.net
Roxy Stickland, Real Estate Agent
Just a phone call away.
We live and work in the market we serve — in essence, making our clients, our neighbors. Being former military we also can relate to the specialized needs of our Armed Services. We understand your lifestyle!.

Sharon is a 1984 graduate of the Coast Guard Academy, and as a former officer she brings personal knowledge of the relocation process for military families. Ms. Schilling also holds a Master of Business Admin, Business Mgmt, from George Mason University.
Sharon is an Anne Arundel County native.

Rob is known for displaying a high standard of professionalism along with a thorough knowledge of the real estate industry. A 1985 graduate of the Naval Academy, Rob is a former Navy officer who brings intimate knowledge to the relocation process for military families. Rob currently resides in Davidsonville.